Why Audio?

There are several advantages to an audio program (or mostly audio, since I post videos too). 

Many people assume you need a visual reference to study movement; that it’s preferable have a teacher in front of the class offering a visible model of “how things should be done”.  This is one way of learning. 

But it tends to put the teacher in the foreground while you are left in the background. Also, since vision is your most dominant sense, gluing your eyes to a screen subtracts significant attentional bandwidth from your experience in the lessons. With audio alone, the instructions are spoken in your ear, guiding and informing your exploration without distracting you from it. 

In Awareness Through Movement, your primary responsibility is to attend to your own experience, and not get caught up in an external model. You are working on things from inside, from your side. The instructions guide and support that work.

I’ve noticed over the years, as YouTube has exploded, that watching someone else explain an activity as they do it, is both entertaining and distracting.  It’s hard to build your personal connection to what you’re doing with that kind of presentation. It works fine for an exercise class, where exertion and exhaustion are actually the point, or a cooking demonstration when you’re getting an overview of a recipe. But it doesn’t work so well if your attention needs to be directed inwardly and your goal is to uncover and remove certain obstacles in your life. 

Audio is a perfect remedy for this.

With Awareness Through Movement, you’re not bound to an external visual model. 

You’re freed to pay attention to yourself, which is exactly what you need to learn better anyway. In the end, this is actually the more genuine path to improvement. 

The videos I post will hopefully do what any useful video does: provide a visual reference, clarify some anatomy, add some details and support the internal model you’re building. 

As you learn to trust your own sense of movement better, you’ll be able to tune into this experience in any place, at any time, and learn from it. 

Little moments, many times.